Example of Co-Insurance plans:
Sample plan of 80%/20% co-insurance
$1500 deductible & Contracted Rate: $100
When there is a deductible of $1500:
Client owes – 100% =$100
Insurance Pays – 0%
This is until DEDUCTIBLE is met
When deductible has been met:
Client owes: 2-% co-insurance = $20
Insurance pays 80% = $80
If client has co-pay & co-insurance:
Client owes: Co-pay of $20 and
Co-insurance of 20% of rate after co-pay = $16
$100 - $20 = $80
$80 x $20 = $16
$20 + $16 = $16 Total Amount Client Owes
Insurance Pays: 80% = $64