"Relationships are worth fighting for, but you can't be the only one fighting"

Couples usually come to see me because they're experiencing hurt, sadness, or frustration in their relationships. The good news is that it's normal for people to experience these feelings in relationships and, in fact, frustrations can become the building blocks for building relationships that are strong, fulfilling, happy. I provide couples counseling services in a safe, non-judgmental atmosphere. I can help you recognize the patterns that are not working, and help you replace the old, ineffective patterns with new, effective ones.


RELATIONSHIPS CAN BE DIFFICULT! We usually begin our relationships with hope, optimism, and excitement. Yet in many instances, the positive gives way to conflict, misunderstanding, eroded trust, or worse. Our relationship counseling is designed to help you improve communication, rekindle romance, experience greater intimacy, and re-experience passion. Learn how to communicate effectively and meet one another needs!



Congratulations....You are getting married, what a great journey you are getting ready to embark on. 

A lot of times in our culture, the concepts of marriage and wedding are misunderstood. Wedding are those events that last just one day and cost a lot of money. A marriage lasts beyond that day and hopefully for the rest of our lives. Premarital counseling is one of the best investments that couples can make in their future. While the return on your investment in your wedding day will quickly fade, the investment you make in premarital counseling can last a lifetime.


Our Approach

I have been trained to work specifically with couples who are in love, in conflict, or in distress.  LCCS uses the Prepare/Enrich assessment to help couples identify their relationship strengths and weaknesses and tailor a unique plan for pre-marriage counseling that will address their specific needs. We believe equipping you with the skills and resources you need is one of the most important things that we can do before you get married to help keep the spark in your relationship.


The Skills

Each couple is unique, so during the pre-marriage sessions we will cover topics in varying detail, depending on the needs of the couple. Topics will include:  Relationship stages, Creating a relationship vision, Communication, Conflict Resolution, Maintaining positive daily interactions and connecting, Finances, Cultivating Intimacy and Sex, Children and Parenting, and Interactions with Extended Family.



Couples face unique challenges. As divorce rates rise it becomes harder to imagine  relationships that will last. Every couple faces crises and difficult stages. The most common stresses to a relationship occur in the areas of money, intimacy and communication. I am prepared with skills and techniques to help your relationship weather a difficult time and grow stronger through the process. Even couples that are not in crisis can benefit from a brief series of marriage enrichment sessions which will help you to identify and capitalize on the strengths of your relationship and the qualities that drew you together in the first place.

Common Issues

• Communication Issues

• Trust Issues

• Finances

• Parenting Conflicts

• Infidelity

• Step-Blended Family Issues

• Decreased Passion & Intimacy

• Hurtful, Intense Fights

• Stuck, Repetitive Arguments/Conflicts