Innovation for Social and Emotional Learning, (SEL)/Mental
Health Through Music and Performing Arts
I'm Saving Myself
We are a group of people with a heart for kids and giving back to our community. We have created an environment that is unique to ISM. We believe that if we surround kids with love and support, and show them new possibilities for their lives, they will be filled with hope for their future and will strive to meet their full potential. We believe in these kids and we believe in our community. We know that, together, we can make Southwestern Michigan the model for loving our kids to greatness.
Thread of Hope Records
“Celebrate Life & Pursue Your Dreams”
Thread of Hope Records “Changing Lives through Word and Music” has been working with young people since 1999. The record company started with, Katie Giguere, a 15 year old girl from Nashville, Tenn. who was a size 18 and didn’t fit the look or size of the music industry. Our team discovered she had an unbelievable gift of singing, as well as, a heart to empower youth. We brought Katie to Los Angeles and wrote, recorded and produced her 1st song ever in the studio entitled, “I’m Saving Myself,” which was Katie’s story. We took Katie to Stevie Wonders penthouse for a birthday party and he listened to her song. He began to tell Katie she had a great voice and with a voice like that she cannot be shy. Katie was #5 on the Christian charts in 2009. She has since gotten married and started a family along with continuing to pursue her career.
During one of the Thread of Hope Records “Celebrate Life and Pursue Your Dreams” show Katie was singing “I’m Saving Myself”. The program was brought to this school district because a young man had committed suicide and the counselor wanted a show that would empower the youth to make healthy choices, as well as, help them through their grieving process. During the bridge of the song “recommit it’s not too late, save yourself for your wedding day,” one of the students recommended to us was working the spotlight and embraced the words and feelings in the song. This student had planned the time, date and place where he was going to kill himself and decided after hearing Katie singing the song with so much power, he decided to recommit himself to life.
After this unbelievable event during the “Celebrate Life and Pursue Your Dreams” production, thousands of youth have been impacted in positive ways. “I’m Saving Myself, ” and Thread of Hope Records are committed to continue its journey, in administering on-going programming to touch youth around the world.
One student attempted suicide 3 times before entering the program. After mentoring and guidance this student has produced music CD’s and was the 1st to graduate college in her household. There are students who didn’t know they could write positive lyrics being empowered after experiencing the “I’m Saving Myself” program.
Thread of Hope Records has produced the 1st prevention CD with 12 songs dealing with, low-self-esteem, drugs & alcohol, suicide, violence, child molestation as well as friendship. The students have traveled to various cities advocating making positive choices through music and performing arts. The tour has been amazing, leaving students with a sense of pride and determination to start making better choices as well as finding their purpose in life.
This program has been a major hit with engaging students to advocate making healthy choices, as well as, identifying their purpose in life. The Social and Emotional Learning gives our students a platform to allow their voices to be heard. There are not enough prevention/intervention programs like I’m Saving Myself and Thread of Hope Records to get the word out and allow students and parents all over the world to experience this powerful life changing experience.